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Emmilie Estabillo

Welcome! I'm a Web Developer and UI/UX enthusiast. I make the internet a beautiful place by bringing creative designs to life!

Selected Works

Planets fact site

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An 8-page fact site for all planets in our solar system

Nextjs • Styled components

Design by: Frontendmentor.io

Dine Restaurant

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A 2-page restaurant website with intricate design details and form validation

React • SCSS

Design by: Frontendmentor.io

Clock App

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The app uses external APIs for data based on a visitor's location. Javascript sets the content depending on the time of day

Javascript • SCSS

Design by: Frontendmentor.io

Loopstudios landing page

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Landing page layout challenge which showcases accessibility practices from skip links to tabbable contents

Javascript • SCSS • a11y

Design by: Frontendmentor.io


My web development journey started as a Backend Developer with Ruby on Rails. In the midst of shipping out a feature, I was also asked to style this component, and thus started my curiosity in Frontend. I've since studied design and been continuously improving my UI skills. My goal with each project is to produce engaging web experiences for the user while using high-quality code.




  • React • Nextjs • Storybook
  • CSS3 • SASS • BEM • Styled components • CSS Modules
  • Figma • Sketch • GSAP


  • Design and Frontend Tooling
  • User Centered Design
  • Music and baking

Get in Touch

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